it's not worth it supporting these evil corporations

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


with not supporting the water bottle companies you are helping fight the fight. using a personal water bottle is better for you and whats around you. when you are looking for a bottle at the store look for BPA free bottles. the best bet and new trendy thing to is buy a canteen. the stainless steel is a clean fresh look and is durable.


UPDATE:Nalgene no longer sells water bottles made with Bisphenol A. Number 7 as a plastic type means any plastic that is not in the first six, so having number 7 on the bottom does not necessarily mean that it contains BPA.

Dangers of Nalgene water bottles and other plastic sport water bottles
Many Nalgene water bottles and other hard plastic sport water bottles are made of polycarbonate (#7 on the bottom) , which may leach Bisphenol A, an estrogen-like chemical. Canada is considering a ban of products containing Bisphenol A (BPA) and a new American study links it to breast cancer and early puberty, and is particularly concerned about the effect on babies. Others have raised concerns about the effect of feminizing hormones on men, such as breast enlargement or dropping semen counts. At the same time, sport water bottles are ubiquitous and we don't want people going back to buying bottled water. What should you do? Time to nix the Nalgene? We looked at our past posts and the latest reports, and suggest the following.
7 Ways to beat BPA, in order of Importance:
1. Ditch the clear plastic baby bottles, right now. All the research that says there are problems point at the effect of the estrogen-like BPA on children as being the most significant.
2. Tin cans are often lined in plastic BPA and sit around a long time; get rid of older tin cans, particularly if they contain tomatoes and other acidic fruits.
3. Don't use your polycarbonate bottle for hot drinks. 
4. Polycarbonate bottles get crazed and cracked as they get older; that increases surface area. Get rid of old ones.
5. Replace your Polycarbonate bottle with a SiggKleen Kanteen, or the new BPA freeCamelbak, particularly if pregnant or pre-pubescent.
6. Replace jugs where water sits around a long time, like Brita knockoffs. (Brita says they are BPA free)
7. Stop using jugged water cooler water, get a filter and cooler that uses city water. It is a big jug so there probably isn't much of a problem, but why are you drinking bottled water anyways?
Don't worry about polycarbonates in non-food related products like CDs and DVDs. but keep them out of babies' mouths.
The Bisphenol A Controversy
This list is based on a bit of consultation with our resident chemist, but the issue is controversial. The plastics industry says there is no problem, as does the maker ofNalgene water bottles.
Energy and Commerce Chair John Dingell says “There are serious health concerns about whether Bisphenol A is safe, not only for adults, but for children and infants," and is concerned that the Food and Drug Administration's policies on BPA are "entirely dependent on two studies' that are both funded by a subsidiary of the American Chemistry Council, which represents plastic resins manufacturers."
According to Chemistry World, The FDA maintains that there is no reason to ban or restrict the use of BPA in food or drink containers because human exposure levels to the chemical from these sources is too low to have any adverse effects.
See also: BPA Danger may be greater from Tin Cans than Water Bottles


Thursday, April 21, 2011



companies are going straight to your local water filtration plants and filling up water trucks for FREE. once they have it in the trucks they take it to their plant and bottle them. once the water is bottled they put it on trucks ship it all over North America and sell it back to you for 100000x the cost it takes them to make it.

people buy these water bottles! this is an outrage that people are buying what comes out of the tap. i ask the question WHY? your paying for something that you basically get for FREE. yes sure bottled water is somewhat convenient however how hard is it to bring a water bottle from home. not only are you saving money but the ENVIRONMENT. do you think its right that your paying this amount of money for your convenience? do you think its right to buy these petroleum based water bottles and drinking with them and then having them end up somewhere in the water or in some animals habitat?


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


this blog is all about how bad the water bottle industry is. it effects many people and many things that are involved in your everyday life, and you may have know idea that it is effecting you. the environment is what keeps us alive, without it we have nothing and will become nothing. the water bottle companies just take this water for free and sell it back to us for 10000 times more to us. not only is the water not safe for us it has chemicals in it that are not healthy. next time you think about buying a bottle of water. THINK ABOUT IT