it's not worth it supporting these evil corporations

Thursday, April 21, 2011


companies are going straight to your local water filtration plants and filling up water trucks for FREE. once they have it in the trucks they take it to their plant and bottle them. once the water is bottled they put it on trucks ship it all over North America and sell it back to you for 100000x the cost it takes them to make it.

people buy these water bottles! this is an outrage that people are buying what comes out of the tap. i ask the question WHY? your paying for something that you basically get for FREE. yes sure bottled water is somewhat convenient however how hard is it to bring a water bottle from home. not only are you saving money but the ENVIRONMENT. do you think its right that your paying this amount of money for your convenience? do you think its right to buy these petroleum based water bottles and drinking with them and then having them end up somewhere in the water or in some animals habitat?


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