it's not worth it supporting these evil corporations

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

how smart is it?

just on my way to school i was thinking about the dilemma with these water bottle corporations. their business plans must be the stupidest things in the world. this is a slight over view.

1- they depend on the townships to pump water from the local lakes
2- they take the water from the small local plants
3-they drive it to their factory bottle it
4- they sell it to the public
5- the public does  not recycle it properly
6- it ends up back in the water that they pump out of.

what boggles my mind is they dont do anything to help the local environment where they pump from. these people are takes mass amounts of water every hour. they basically pump until the lake is dry. once the lake is dry they leave and find a new one.

this is nuts. it is a stupid plan on their part because they will run out and be left with nothing other then a environmental problem. for their business to get any respect they need to give back. they have basically one expense, the bottles. they are making a massive profit on us by selling the water back to us. they need to rehabilitate the areas that they have destroyed. all these people do are create problems with our environment and make lots of money from us for no reason. they have a great scam going but thats it and it only betters their fat wallets as it is now.    

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